viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Small Things Friday � And an award! | Eclectic Alli

Small Things Friday � And an award! | Eclectic Alli

Small Things Friday � And an award! | Eclectic Alli

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 07:00 AM PST

Make a Donation Current Goal: Save up to replace my 5-year-old, XP-running netbook because a lot of my writing occurs during lunch-breaks or during my morning and evening commute! The Twenty Fourteen Theme. Blog at

My First Blog: Enjoy 6 months free of The Best Antivirus! Bitdefender <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 06:08 AM PST

If you don't have a good Antivirus installed in your. PC/Laptop/Netbook then you can get a free license Key for six month here: Just enter your e-mail address and verification code ...

Debianizzati.Org � Ridimensionamento partizioni indolore?

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 05:33 AM PST

Salve, ho sul mio netbook in dual boot windows e linux, vorrei per? ora modificare la grandezza delle partizioni a favore di linux riducendo la partizione ntfs di windows ed aumentando la mia home. Corro il rischio di perdere dei dati o di ...

Asus EeeBook X205: Das <b>Netbook</b> erscheint Mitte November f�r <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 05:11 AM PST

Asus hat auf der diesj?hrigen IFA mit dem EeeBook X205 den Nachfolger der erfolgreichen EeePC-Netbook-Serie vorgestellt.

Customer Service in Taiwan: A Day At Guanghua Digital Plaza

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 05:05 AM PST

My impression was that many shop clerks are not used to handling foreign visitors (despite the fact that I saw a few foreigners there). Other shops in Taipei are quite similar. Two years ago I bought a netbook at a store near Taipei Main Station.

Something different. | The Pogoblog

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 02:53 AM PST

With several hours to kill, I got my little netbook out, hooked up the 3G modem and bought some day passes for the M5 in Sydney and the Citylink in Melbourne. That worked very well. Next was checking in. I found the Spirit of Tasmania web ...

donaldambrose: Create a USB Memory Stick with System Recovery <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 02:06 AM PST

There are times when having a bootable USB flash with System Recovery tools is useful, especially if you are a netbook owner. Creating and using a USB flash memory stick with recovery tools is quite easy, if you follow the steps described ...

superdry lsterror 15 : find not foundpress any key to continueMais <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 01:33 AM PST

En cherchant un peu, en me renseignant ici et la, jai vu que pour un petit netbook, comme le samsung nc10, ubuntu pourrait ?tre une solution pour pallier aux d?fauts de Windows.Je suis sans emploi, et nen cherche pas, cette activit? n?tant ...

Review Acer Aspire One AO722 | DOSARUL

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 12:07 AM PST

Toat? s?pt?m?na am c?utat un netbook performant ?i ergonimic, cu o autonomie a acumulatorului c?t mai mare ?i c?t mai u?or de transportat. Am oscilat ?ntre 10.1? ?i 13.3?, ?ns? 10.1? mi s-a p?rut destul de mic, deoarece o bun? parte ...

Online Magazine: Raynista - Online Magazine: Raynista - Online <b>...</b>

Posted: 07 Nov 2014 12:06 AM PST

Saat masih remaja dulu, kegemaran saya adalah membaca majalah yang khusus memuat ce... Aku, Netbook dan Secangkir Kopi. Secangkir kopi hangat masih mengepulkan uapnya. Netbook di meja sudah menyala. Internetnya pun lancar ...

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